Monday, 10 January 2011

Ideas, Ideas, Ideas

Well since starting this blog I seemed to have had not just a brainwave but more a tidal wave of ideas for Beadelicious - which is all good and I've taken to keeping a little pad with me to help keep track of all my hair brained schemes (some better than others) but the only problem is when to fit them all in?  There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day as it is and what with wedding planning and such in full flow it's all go go go.

Anyway one other thing to mention whilst I'm wittering on is that we only have 2 spaces left on our wire wrapped ring workshop on the 22nd January.  Booking is essential so if you're interested please get in touch.  There's more info on the workshop and a couple of pictures of the rings we will be making on our the website under the workshops page.

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